Friday, December 28, 2012

The truth is..

"I'm an attention seeking, anti social, paranoid, hyperactive, lazy, human being."

I prefer to be by myself, but when I'm around being, I want everyone to be focused on me. When I plan to go somewhere, I have to have every details planned to ensure something unplanned doesn't happen. I'm constantly worried something bad will happen, that I will be attacked or stranded. I'm crazy mental and loud and I love sitting on my ass not doing anything. My room is always messy because I'm too lazy to put things anyway.

"I'm half-Irish, half-Dutch, and I was born in Belgium. If I was a dog, I'd be in a hell of a mess!"
-Audrey Hepburn

Rock On

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

What Christmas is really about ..

I saw some chalk writing on the footpath today, it read "Christmas sux for those who are poor in New Zealand!"

Actually, Christmas sux for those who have lost someone close to them. Let's think of everyone in Christchurch who have lost everything in the Earthquake, or anyone who has lost someone to cancer this year, or any illness for that matter. Since when has Christmas only been about presents and a big expensive lunch or dinner?!

Christmas is about spending time with loved ones, enjoying spending time together. Who cares if you don't get that new iPhone you asked Santa for? Or that big screen TV? I would give all my presents up, to have my Granddad back for one more Christmas.
Some people need to simply get over themselves and remember what this holiday period is all about!

Rock On